We are excited to announce a collaboration with Warsenal and Ignition Core Games to bring high quality acrylic tokens, objective markers and measuring tools to Relic Knights.
Each set comes with six Activation tokens, six Area of Effect tokens, six Power tokens, six Esper Drain tokens, six Burning tokens, six Hobble tokens, six Bind tokens and six Knockback tokens, three Objective markers and one measuring tool. These tokens will streamline all your status effect and activation tracking. Additionally, you will be able to choose between a Radiant or Void version so that your Objective markers, Area of Effect and Activation tokens can be themed to your faction alliance.
Additionally, if you buy both sets you will get a four-piece Area of Effect set personalized for the Radiant vs Void Starter Set units included in your order for free.

These tokens will be available at Adepticon 2025 on launch day, and then on the Ignition Core Games webstore shortly after the convention.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at Adepticon, and we encourage you to support our friends at Warsenal. Check out their website here.